

Sharpening is about doing things you can never really be conscious of while you are doing them, like tennis, golf, surfing, and playing an instrument. After learning techniques, guidelines, some rules, technical aspects and materials, you just put it all into practice. It is a practice. I hand sharpened over 15,000 knives. I can recall hundreds of them — where I was, what I did, and when I knew I was finished with that edge. It is about being there, being present in the moment.


Choosing the path of highest reward

I do not play golf, and it is best if I avoid a tennis court if there is anyone playing next to it. On my best day, I am an average surfer. But I am very good at sharpening knives, not because I sharpened so many, but I sharpened so many because I am good at it. It just came naturally, which is to say, I found it enjoyable to put in the time and education to achieve some mastery. That said, I know I am only beginning to get the hang of it. More discoveries about sharpening and myself lay ahead.

If you have knives that need sharpening, and you would like to help me continue my journey, please call or email me.
